Zen Master Hubba Bubba

Creating a Reservoir of Positive Intent

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One of the first things I teach my students is the construction of a Reservoir of Positive Intent, or R.P.I. With this Cognitive Thought Form (C.T.F.) one may learn many of the key Principles of Alchemy, should they invest sufficient time on the symbolism and nature of materials and Cognitive Intent.

Enjoy the presentation! And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE! =D


Meditations on The Cube — Saturn — And Their Potential Significance!

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Meditations on The Cube …

This is one of the first exercises I give to my Alchemy students: to take a simple child’s “Building block” and render it in two dimensions in as many ways as they can imagine. Then they are to look in the world around them as see if what they have drawn is in use around them today. Corporate logos & breweries, church steeples, mosques, cathedrals, temples, monasteries, and countless other secular and sacred places bear this mark. The question next to be asked is, “Why?”

The Key is found in the Kabbalah, and its name is Binah, Saturn, Aralim,Tzaphkiel, Yod Heh Vav Heh, the Third Emanation, and Mara the Sea of Bitterness. It is the Key to Understanding the Foundation of Material Creation. It is that which provides Structure amid the chaos of Creation. It is the Root of the Pillar of Severity.

This video, is the first of a “Meditation Series” that is used to assist the student in opening their mind to the presentation of symbolism in many contexts. The ultimate aim, to recognize the strength of one of the world’s oldest and most pervasive Cognitive Thought Forms (symbols), and to seek an understanding as to why this Cognitive Thought Form is so significant, and how this knowledge can be applied to facilitate greater enlightenment, insight, strength, and power.

What “Power?” The power to enter upon the Transmutation of the Self, to take one’s leaden state into something more … something precious, something golden, something divine. It is the power to transmute etheric lead into gold and achieve the greatest treasure of all: Ascension.

It all begins with a single building block.

Now sit back, turn down the lights and relax. Allow the music and the imagery to flow over you as you open your mind to the potentials of the Unconscious and ply your way through the countless centuries of symbolic meaning and associations.


Aubrey Forest “The Modern Alchemist”

Google’s New Plan to Estimate a Web Source’s Trustworthiness

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Rule-the-worldBe wary of this, my friends.  Not all scientific domains are equal.  Within the sciences, there are often those given preferential treatment as being “The Truth” (via consensus), regardless of the data provided by empirical evidence.  Climate change, stellar formations, dinosaurs, geology, archaeology, anthropology, and many others are often filled with controversies which are regulated by those with the most funds, and the most accepted dogma.
An example:  When I was a child, dinosaurs were considered cold-blooded, slow-witted lizards.  Dinosaur means, terrible lizard.  But in a few months, we will be treated to the NEW VISION relative to dinosaurs in Jurassic World.  A vision entirely different than what was published and widely accepted as the “Truth” relative to their origin, nature, and extinction.
The “Experts” have been wrong, time and time again.  The Truth is, all scientific thought will either be Revised, Reviled, or Rejected throughout the course of its life and development.  If we elect to allow a third party to cast judgement upon what materials are available for the purpose of simple research and analysis (because someone else has decided that this information is no longer relevant or accurate), we could have a very big problem on our hands!
homerThis is Thought and Consciousness control on a massive scale.
My solution.  Leave the internet as free as possible and allow us to use our Minds and our capacity for Reason (scary huh?) and decide for ourselves!
It’s worked fine so far, it ain’t broke, so why fix it?

— Aubrey Forest

“Zen Master Hubba Bubba”

The Role of an Illuminist

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Seeing Behind The Veil

The Role of an Illuminist

By Aubrey Forest Zonneveldt


We live in a world filled with symbols.  Quite literally, there is nothing we do, say, see, or use that is not or does not have a relevant or meaningful symbolic association.   This begs the question: why?  Why have so many symbols been placed over and over and over again in every possible combination, and yet, never an explanation as to their meaning is provided?  Why surround every major corporation, government, church, language, or currency with so much obvious symbolic meaning, and yet, never acknowledge that it is there, nor provide any kind of assistance to identify why it is there at all.


Some time ago, the answer came to me.  This is the first test.  Will you stop, or even pause long enough to wonder, why?  The asking of “Why” is the very essence of learning; for it at…

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Magnetoception, Electric Consciousness, and The World

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Pay Attention

Magnetoception (or magnetoreception as it was first referred to in 1972[1]) is a sense which allows an organism to detect a magnetic field to perceive direction, altitude or location. This sense has been proposed to explain animal navigation in vertebrates and insects, and as a method for animals to develop regional maps. For the purpose of navigation, magnetoception deals with the detection of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Magnetoception has been observed in bacteria, in invertebrates such as fruit flies, lobsters and honeybees. It has also been demonstrated in vertebrates including birds, turtles, sharks and stingrays.
– Wikipedia

This process of flock/flying behavior, also seen in fish, can not be explained by mere split-second adjustments between one bird (or fish) and another animal near it. Many, myself included, feel that this is further evidence of communal intelligence and that the flock is acting as a singular organism rather than a collection of animals.

This is possible if we are also willing to consider something else: that what we perceive as our cognitive process is not what is actually happening (localized cognition). Instead, cognition may be generated externally from the body and received via the neurological pathways of the brain — much like a radio receiver. In this way, one could posit that we, in fact, do not “Think” thoughts.

Magnetoception may be the key to cracking this particular nut. It demonstrates that organisms function on at least two different levels: independent and collective cognitive activity. In fact, only we human are disputed as having any magnetoceptive abilities (even though our eyes have evolved to perceived subtle variations of magnetism, perhaps during a period wherein the environment was more electrically charged — google it), which I believe is largely due to our personal attachment to the “Fact” that we generate our thinking (whatever that is) independent of our respective environment.

This would, of course, make us the ONLY animal incapable of detecting, sensing, or being guided by these fields. Ridiculous.

So why is this so important? Why is a video of Starlings flocking so key? Because while we may be the slowest kids on the block relative to our awareness of our connection to the world and universe around us, we are STILL connected. This means that we as a collective humanity can be just as connected as these birds (perhaps we already are). It means that as the planet, our solar system, and our galaxy moves through the cosmos and enters into new areas of electomagnetic influence, WE will also be influenced.

In truth, I believe this is already happening. Look around you, while there may be confict on the news, the reality is that our children who are not being crippled by vaccines are more brilliant, and more stunningly aware than ever before. The awakening IS HAPPENING!

I kid you not … one day we will all awake and realize the Truth of it all and stop. We will stop our wars, our petty hatreds, our ridiculous disputes, and return again to the earth and our first calling: to tend and take care of each other an our environment.

After all, what higher calling could there be?


Principles of Divine Economics

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Principles of Divine Economics
By A.F.Z.

Often, people fail to recognize the Hand of the Divine within their own lives.  They look up to the clouds and cry out for guidance, direction, support, and find none.  They look to each other and say, “Where is God that I might be guided?   Where is the care, the divine paternal coaching and council?  

I submit to you that it is ever there, but we need to adjust our perception.  Often this simple set of rules (really more like observations) will suffice.

“A Prompting is not given when Common Sense will suffice.
A Mortal Messenger is not sent when a Prompting will do.
An Angel is not sent when a simple Messenger will do.
The Divine will not manifest when Angels will do. “

Of course, I speak in terms of scale and metaphor, but you can certainly see the progression, evident in your own lives.  One need only pay attention.   Now pay attention!  Because without doubt, there is a world of communications waiting for you, waiting for you to respond to them.

BOOK REVIEW: The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever – The Last Dark

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Book Reviews with Zen Master Hubba Bubba

The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever – The Last Dark


This review contains spoilers.   You’ve been warned.

For any who have not read Stephen R. Donaldson’s Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, I highly recommend them.  And while “Lord Foul’s Bane” is legendarily difficult to progress through, the books which follow are filled with originality and splendor that will amaze and enthrall you.  The characters are rich, the storytelling novel and unique, and the world which is conveyed is one of such remarkable beauty as to make you ache to actually be able to see it, if only for a moment.

The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever provide all the promise of the original six, and build and build through the course of three relatively well-written — yet flawed — books to conclude with the “Last Dark” leaving me gnashing my teeth and cursing.

Three words which plagued this last series and typified virtually every conflict which was miraculously resolved in “The Last Dark” are these: Deus Ex Machina.     Getting overrun by nasties?  Have a bunch of wandering giants just miraculously show up at the last second.  Getting run down and confused inside or outside of Mt. Thunder, why not miraculously have the Ur-Viles and Waynim just show up and save the day?  Run out of food and supplies, need a horse?  The Insequent or an old Haruchai  Guardian is ever on hand.   Trapped by an overwelming force within Mount Thunder durning a ridiculous plan to assail the mountain, how about having the Haruchai show up again, in force, and be somewhat super-duper human.  And on and on and on it goes.   New characters came and went so quickly you could barely visualize them, and really didn’t care all that much anyway.  Hell, even the central characters comment to themselves that they didn’t know hardly any of the people (giants at this instance) who just showed up long enough to lay down their lives for a bunch of strangers.

All this divine help, and yet the one thing that you NEVER get are answers.  Who is She Who Must Not Be Named, and is she a relative of Voldemort?  How did she get there?  How did Katassen make the Earth-sense killing smog?  What was it made of?  Why were the Elohim tied to the STARS?   Does that make the Elohim a conscious expression of starlight, or is this a greater tell to the nature of Consciousness as perceived by Donaldson?   How is the Arch of Time even still working with all that time traveling going on?   Questions, questions, questions, and none of them are EVER resolved.

Then there was the constant whining throughout the first three books of the last series.  Everyone has so many personal issues that they can barely see past themselves to get to the real problems at hand.  At least in the Last Dark, Covenant and Avery set aside their angst, get married and tie off that knot (as it were).   Quite literally, that was the only satisfying part of the book.  The rest was an unrelenting barrage of conflict resolved via Deus Ex Machina.

In fact, the most interesting parts of this last series were relative to the Land’s hidden history, which sounded far more interesting than ANYTHING covered in these four books.   Write a book about that first Forestal meeting, or the massive battle that lead to the bone field from which Jeremiah brought forth his Mind.   How about telling us more about Jeremiah’s abilities, and explore those?   Give us a story about the Viles, a real story.  Do more than merely suggest how epic the Land is or was, show us!  .    Tell us more about the Insequent , they’re totally fascinating!  And for God’s sake, write a book actually TELLING Kevin’s story, perhaps from his point of view (I know, violates the POV … well to that I say “Gildenfire!”), anything but this constant array of sadness and angst, coupled with endless Deus Ex Machina.

The irony of all this divine intervention is that you never get to see the Creator.  Beyond the initial contact in Lord Foul’s Bane, and that rather vague question regarding ethics and dreaming.   Instead, the book creates such conflict that the central characters become completely ancillary to the plot, and when the world is literally coming apart at the seams, everything is resolved merely by wishing it so.

OH MY GOD!   I was furious!  Collectively there are a few thousand pages spread across four books (his editor must have just said “F@ck it” and let him just write whatever), and THIS is how you are going to conclude your Opus Magnum, by WISHING all the death, the suffering, the pain, the destruction, and devastation away with a magical hug of self-acceptance and POOF, it’s all better?   No sir, this was not some kind of exercise in the exploration of the human soul, this was pure laziness.

So there you have it, do yourself a favor and stop reading at the conclusion of “The White Gold Wielder” and you won’t have missed a thing.  Or, you can stop at the conclusion of “Against All Things Ending” and all you have to do is merely wish that everything will be all better, and it shall be.  Because that’s just how it ends.

And you know what the worst of it was?  After all that toil and suffering each main character tells their friends in the Land, “Hey … after all this crap, we have issues, and we’re gonna take our god-selves our for a walkabout and do some MORE soul searching.”  If I had hair, I would be pulling it out right now just thinking about how infuriating the last page of the book was.  Pure insult to injury.

Mr. Donaldson, shame on you sir.  Shame.

A “Shifty” Cat Named Venus

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Even our cats are exhibiting “The Shift” as classically defined sides of light and dark have become reversed! Amazing!

Okay … not really, but this definitely is one cool picture that illustrates that concept quite well. Traditionally, the light side is on the right, and the dark on the left … however as we are seeing in movies, TV, books and virtually any media today, this has changed and become reversed in anticipation of what I expect to be the coming aeon of the new Horus; the ascension of the sacred feminine.


At The Movies with Zen Master Hubba Bubba — Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

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Hi Gang!

Well I’m back at it! Here’s a review of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I give you a brief superficial rundown, and then we go DEEPER, and I explain to you some of what you were actually watching!

So join me and let’s go to the movies! 😉

Link HERE!

More Fierce Than A Werewolf!

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True Story:

Following my blissful wedding nuptials back in 1986, I being the self-appointed prankster between us, decided that it would be really funny if I put on my werewolf mask and clothes and jump out and scare my newly married wife. I know … bad plan, bad idea … I was young and stupid. It happens to everyone (being young and stupid, not what follows, unless you’re me).

Our first apartment was a small studio in the basement of a rather big home in the University District surrounding the U of W (in fact I believe those same houses still stand this day!). The entry to our little love nest was IDENTICAL to what you see here: a very narrow stair leading to a small entry which we hung a thick curtain over to keep out the draft.

I in my wisdom hid just behind the curtain, and as she descended the stairs I opened the curtain and jumped out with a “ROOOAAAARRRRR!!!”

To which my 5’4″ wife hauled back and punched me SOUNDLY in the nose causing me to fall back on my butt clenching my now compacted werewolf face. She then stepped forward and with a fist raised threatened to offer another.

I raised my hands and pleaded for mercy as I removed my werewolf mask and assured her I was ME and not an intruder or a werewolf.

And what she do? Snorted, walked over the top of me, set her purse down and said, “Served you right.”

Some people wonder where my daughters get all their strength and fearlessness … I just point in the direction of my wife and say, “Right here buddy … right here.”