Electric Universe

Creating a Reservoir of Positive Intent

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One of the first things I teach my students is the construction of a Reservoir of Positive Intent, or R.P.I. With this Cognitive Thought Form (C.T.F.) one may learn many of the key Principles of Alchemy, should they invest sufficient time on the symbolism and nature of materials and Cognitive Intent.

Enjoy the presentation! And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE! =D


Seek With Me!

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Seek With Me!


Aubrey Forest

Why is it that some may Seek

While others do not?

Why is it that most rarely look up

And simply Wonder?

Why do we fear the Unknown

When the tonic is the search to Know?

Why is it that we willingly Sacrifice

Wisdom and Understanding

Upon the altar of Ignorance?

When it is They who shall be our Salvation?

Why do so many settle for

So little,

When they could have

So much more?

Is it because the Universe lacks


And Majesty

That we seem to take it all for granted?

Or is it because

We seeing do not See

We hearing do not Hear?

And so we lack Wisdom.

And so we lack Understanding.

I see because I have chosen to See!

I hear because I have chosen to Listen!

And by so doing I have come

To the gates of Knowledge

In Search of Wisdom and Understanding

And have been amply rewarded

For my endless




And Asking, Why?

I have Seen the Universe’s distant Grandeur

In flower petals and in trees

I have Heard her Siren Song

As I have walked along the seas.

She calls to us

And cries,

Join me!

Seek with me!

And together

We shall learn

There is so much

To See

To Know!

To Do

And To Understand.

For it is in our search

That we shall find more than mere treasure,

We shall find Ourselves;

And see our Bond,

Our Union,

Our Endless Oneness

Within the Stars!

The Modern Alchemist Discusses Alchemy Basics on KAOS 89.3 FM with “Radio Ray”

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HI Everyone!

My first radio appearance, and I think it went really well! Spent some time working on a well-timed slide presentation to go with the interview so that you could get an idea of what I was trying to visualize in my mind through our discussion!

Super excited to do another radio interview!

If you have anything that you would like me to cover, please leave a comment below. Title it “Ask An Alchemist” or you can put it on my discussion board here on YouTube!

Brightest Blessings! Enjoy the Show!

Aubrey Forest

“Zen Master Hubba Bubba”


“The Modern Alchemist!”

Magnetoception, Electric Consciousness, and The World

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Pay Attention

Magnetoception (or magnetoreception as it was first referred to in 1972[1]) is a sense which allows an organism to detect a magnetic field to perceive direction, altitude or location. This sense has been proposed to explain animal navigation in vertebrates and insects, and as a method for animals to develop regional maps. For the purpose of navigation, magnetoception deals with the detection of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Magnetoception has been observed in bacteria, in invertebrates such as fruit flies, lobsters and honeybees. It has also been demonstrated in vertebrates including birds, turtles, sharks and stingrays.
– Wikipedia

This process of flock/flying behavior, also seen in fish, can not be explained by mere split-second adjustments between one bird (or fish) and another animal near it. Many, myself included, feel that this is further evidence of communal intelligence and that the flock is acting as a singular organism rather than a collection of animals.

This is possible if we are also willing to consider something else: that what we perceive as our cognitive process is not what is actually happening (localized cognition). Instead, cognition may be generated externally from the body and received via the neurological pathways of the brain — much like a radio receiver. In this way, one could posit that we, in fact, do not “Think” thoughts.

Magnetoception may be the key to cracking this particular nut. It demonstrates that organisms function on at least two different levels: independent and collective cognitive activity. In fact, only we human are disputed as having any magnetoceptive abilities (even though our eyes have evolved to perceived subtle variations of magnetism, perhaps during a period wherein the environment was more electrically charged — google it), which I believe is largely due to our personal attachment to the “Fact” that we generate our thinking (whatever that is) independent of our respective environment.

This would, of course, make us the ONLY animal incapable of detecting, sensing, or being guided by these fields. Ridiculous.

So why is this so important? Why is a video of Starlings flocking so key? Because while we may be the slowest kids on the block relative to our awareness of our connection to the world and universe around us, we are STILL connected. This means that we as a collective humanity can be just as connected as these birds (perhaps we already are). It means that as the planet, our solar system, and our galaxy moves through the cosmos and enters into new areas of electomagnetic influence, WE will also be influenced.

In truth, I believe this is already happening. Look around you, while there may be confict on the news, the reality is that our children who are not being crippled by vaccines are more brilliant, and more stunningly aware than ever before. The awakening IS HAPPENING!

I kid you not … one day we will all awake and realize the Truth of it all and stop. We will stop our wars, our petty hatreds, our ridiculous disputes, and return again to the earth and our first calling: to tend and take care of each other an our environment.

After all, what higher calling could there be?


How The May Pole Has Preserved Ancient Science & Knowledge of the Electric Universe!

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You KNOW what they are DOING … right?!?


Now that your mind has completely been awash in the gutter … allow me to show you the hidden science behind the ritual.

What we are ACTUALLY seeing is a three-dimensional representation of the universe (in part). We are witnessing the preservation of the knowledge that the universe is ELECTRIC, and the result of a confluence of energies (Birkland Currents) which form what are called “Z-Pinches” where vast energy is released (as in the case of our sun, which is not the product of fusion but this ELECTRICAL process.

The upper point of the pole (which is actually a phallus as well) is the point at which the Z-Pinch is created, and life is born! It is the universe in constant creation!

Here is a nice visual that may help you along! Enjoy! 😉


Thinking Out Loud w/ ZMHB Ep 8 The Consciousness Reservoir Pt4

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Greetings Friends!

Welcome to the fourth installment of our journey through the myriad concourses of the Consciousness Reservoir! An examination of the nature of electromagnetism and consciousness continues. What can be learned by simple observation of the structures present within nature? Can we actually “See” the formation of electromagnetic threads and filaments in the gentle turn and shape of trees, leaves, and plants in general? And what is the true nature of our solar system’s transit through space?

These are just some of the topic covered in today’s “Thinking Out Loud!” Enjoy!

Thinking Out Loud w/ ZMHB Ep 7 The Consciousness Reservoir Pt3

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Greetings Friends!

Our Journey into the depths of the Consciousness Reservoir continues! We explore some of what it means to see a structural similarity between the operation of any conscious (or perhaps Consciousness Absorbing) life form and ourselves. What does it mean that the properties which comprise the aspect of our thoughts, from which we draw our “Me-ness” are also seen throughout nature and space; even the very function of the stars?

Join me as we continue our explorations into our minds, and our Consciousness.

Brightest Blessings to One & All,

P.S. Since this seems to be best structured as a playlist, the most current blog entry here will also reflect the most current entry on the series exploring the Electric Universe. Basically, I’m hoping that the most current video will work with the most current blog entry. I am not sure what this will do with latter blog links, but the playlist is well labeled so I hope you can navigate alright! Should you have any difficulty or suggestions, please let me know!

Thinking Out Loud w/ ZMHB Ep 6 The Consciousness Reservoir Pt2

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Greetings Friends!

Here is part two of the ga-zillion part series relating to Consciousness and the Consciousness Reservoir, so as you can see, we’re moving right along! In this section we continue our discussion of Consciousness, and what it is MATERIALLY. We discuss electricity and what it is, and how we relate to them both. Also a discussion of photosynthesis as an agent of Consciousness Absorption is also discussed. Very exciting stuff! So sit back and enjoy the exploration of everything!

Brightest Blessings to One & All,
Namaste! 😉

P.S. Since this seems to be best structured as a playlist, the most current blog entry here will also reflect the most current entry on the series exploring the Electric Universe.  Basically, I’m hoping that the most current video will work with the most current blog entry.  I am not sure what this will do with latter blog links, but the playlist is well labeled so I hope you can navigate alright!  Should you have any difficulty or suggestions, please let me know!

Thinking Out Loud w/ ZMHB Ep 5 The Consciousness Reservoir

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HI Guys!

So our journey has finally begun! We begin where I began, on a walk in the woods, and from there many fantastic associations and understandings were achieved! This video is the first in many more to come regarding the topic of Consciousness and the Consciousness Reservoir.

From here we can go everywhere!


Brightest Blessings to One & All,


Space News In the Electric Universe

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Rebels Against Scientific Orthodoxy and The Electric Universe

About three years ago I encountered my first Electric Universe discussion when I stumbled upon Ben Davidson’s “Suspicious 0bservers” channel on YouTube. The discussion of the Sun was fascinating, but more than that, he mentioned something new that IMMEDIATELY put several pieces of my own personal cosmological model into place. It was so simple, so obvious, and yet, missed entirely in my education (it seems as if we are almost steered away from the study of it in school). What was it? The Universe was Electric.
I had never heard of this before, and yet I HAD. Much of I have studied discussed their particular science often through electrical terms, especially in living systems. I had to know more, and so into the “Rabbit Hole” I dove! I was not disappointed.
My first encounter was Wal Thornhill and David Talbott. Together, the work of those two men have done more to bring greater understanding to the world around me than any other; if only because they provided a kind of “Keystone” that helped hold everything else I learned into place. It was a beautiful experience! Because my personal interests are incredibly varied, I being equally interesting in Egyptology, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Esoteric Philosophy & Practice, Geology, Astrophysics & Quantum Physics, Ancient History & Current Politics/Conspiracy Theory (in the end, it’s all the same really), I found that the Electric Universe Model easily fit into each of these fields without any shoehorning or adjustment – even conspiracy theory. Yes, I believe there has been an actual conspiracy to keep this model of science out of our hands. There is INCREDIBLE power – both personal (as in esoteric) and as a people (power production, etc.) for our planet – in understanding how the Electric Universe Model fits into an entire cosmology.
The most recent finding of “River’s of Hydrogen” flowing between galaxies is yet another instance of how the Electric Universe Model is superior to the mechanical nature of the Standard Model which is left to theorize possible reasons rather than look to a lab and SEE for yourself EMPIRICALLY how it works. Because the real beauty of the Electric Universe Model is that it IS a theory of everything. It REQUIRES “As Above, So Below,” meaning that what we see here is what we see out there and vice versa. No special rules, not special theories or circumstances, just plasma physics. And Plasma comprises 99.99% of the universe.
But the most amazing part of the Electric Universe Model is that WE are part of it. Our structure, the shape of our bodies, the activity within our minds, the pulse of our blood and the beat of our very heart, all of it is electric. We are electric (as was so keenly observed in The Matrix as we were compared to a battery). The Sun and Earth are electric, and everything in them functions on the same principles. Weather, water, all living systems. And if we are a living system, the earth is a living system, then perhaps the sun and solar system also function as a great living system, a part of a greater system within our galaxy, and in the end, the Universe!
So why is it that when it is mentioned few if any know? The opposition to the Electric Universe Model is obvious: financial. Consider the BILLIONS invested in super colliders around the world seeking after a theoretical particle that doesn’t exist. Think of the HUNDREDS of BILLIONS spent in educating people in flawed Einsteinian Physics, and the billions wasted in the pursuit of that education. Even more money being spent for more Standard Model research today. The bed has been made, now everyone is to sleep in it.
Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. The word is getting out, albeit slowly, and proponents such as myself who perceive that the merit of the Electric Universe Model transcends more than science and has, p been preserved through the ages in art, philosophy, and religious text. I think the Electric Universe Model promises to tell us more about ourselves and our past than we could ever possibly imagine. Even our very distant, remote past.
So here’s another fantastic start point for anyone wanting to change it up and join the Rebels Against Scientific Orthodoxy (right now it’s just me and the dog, but membership is sure to rise!) and see what the Electric Universe Model has to offer. In the “Space News in the Electric Universe” playlist I have included what I found to be some of the most impressive discoveries in Space News, relative to the Electric Universe Model. The pieces are short and to the point, making them very useful and easy to follow, and they provide an excellent start point for further personal research (which I love). I am deeply grateful to the guys at the Thunderbolts Project, as that their work has advanced my own work and my personal understanding of the Universe an extraordinary degree!
Brightest Blessings to One and All,