John Boehner

And the Game is Afoot

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Just remember friends … I saw Jeb comin’ back in 2008. This is all part of the playbook as I have perceived it. And it appears to be going right on target.

We have in corner #1 Hillary Clinton, an obviously “Wounded Candidate” (lame) who can offer very little resistance on the field of moral conduct. Not unlike Mitt Romney and Bain Capital (or his as yet undisclosed massive fortune).

In the other corner: Jeb Bush. He is actually the smarter of the Bush boys (and something I previously foresaw as a kind of “Feyd Rautha” to George’s “Raban” (Dune reference).

Barrac Obama was to fill the shoes established for him by men like Morgan Freeman, Sidney Poitier, even Bill Cosby (to name a few)who set within the minds of the American people a sense of trust in the strength men like these engendered. His lack of potency is an Osirian reference, which he (and these men) also fulfilled.

Remember, the people running the show are following a very old script with some very old references.

Now, the country having failed under the wrath of one man and the apparent incompetence of the other, we are ripe and ready for salvation.

This is a very old story, my friends, one which we have seen played out before us time and again, and yet we are ever oblivious to its presence when it stands among us.

It would be ironic, were it not so devastating in its implications.


John Boehner states his support for Jeb Bush HERE: