Group Think

Waking the Beast

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ImageThis is why I do what I do! This very study (link provided below!) bears evidence of my insight that we, in fact, do not actually think thoughts; but are rather merely custodians of a cognitive experience; and the experience can be shared. If enough of us understand a thing, the understanding of that thing becomes available to the whole. We as a race of humans are of one mind! 

I believe that those in power understand this principle and are exploiting it to their advantage. Without doubt, television is their greatest tool in this effort.

Still, there is hope. In spite of their determined efforts to rule the masses, we few who are awake are enough to rouse the beast of human consciousness from it’s slumber and save ourselves in the process of saving our sleeping brothers and sisters!

Stay vigilant my friends! Victory may be sooner than later! 

Article Linked HERE: